Exporting Results#

After analyzing a dataset in pylinac, you may want to export the data to a file for further analysis or for record-keeping. Pylinac has built-in methods for most analyses to export to PDF, save figures, and dump data to string or JSON.

Exporting to PDF#

For most analyses, the publish_pdf method is available. This method will create a PDF report of the analysis. The PDF will contain a summary of the analysis, the figure(s) generated, and any other relevant information.

from pylinac import WinstonLutz

wl = WinstonLutz.from_zip("myzip.zip")
wl.publish_pdf("my_report.pdf")  # will save the report to a PDF file

You can even open this upon saving by setting the open_file parameter to True.

    "my_report.pdf", open_file=True
)  # will save the report to a PDF file and open it

Exporting Figures#

If you want to save the figures generated during an analysis, you can use the save_analyzed_image method. This method will save the figure to a file.

from pylinac import Starshot

star = Starshot.from_zip("myzip.zip")
star.save_analyzed_image("my_starshot.png")  # will save the figure to a PNG file

Exporting to JSON#

If you want to save the data to a JSON file, you can use the results_data(to_json=True) method. This method will return a JSON string of the data. This string can be saved to a file or otherwise passed around.

from pylinac import Starshot

star = Starshot.from_zip("myzip.zip")
json_str = star.results_data(
)  # dumps to a string that can be loaded by any JSON reader
with open("my_starshot.json", "w") as f: