Source code for pylinac.picketfence

"""The picket fence module is meant for analyzing EPID images where a "picket fence" MLC pattern has been made.
Physicists regularly check MLC positioning through this test. This test can be done using film and one can
"eyeball" it, but this is the 21st century and we have numerous ways of quantifying such data. This module
attains to be one of them. It can load in an EPID dicom image (or superimpose multiple images) and determine the MLC peaks, error of each MLC
pair to the picket, and give a few visual indicators for passing/warning/failing.


* **Analyze any MLC type** - Both default MLCs and custom MLCs can be used.
* **Easy-to-read pass/warn/fail overlay** - Analysis gives you easy-to-read tools for determining the status of an MLC pair.
* **Any Source-to-Image distance** - Whatever your clinic uses as the SID for picket fence, pylinac can account for it.
* **Account for panel translation** - Have an off-CAX setup? No problem. Translate your EPID and pylinac knows.
* **Account for panel sag** - If your EPID sags at certain angles, just tell pylinac and the results will be shifted.
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import enum
import io
import os.path as osp
import statistics
import warnings
import webbrowser
from functools import cached_property
from io import BytesIO
from itertools import cycle
from pathlib import Path
from typing import BinaryIO, Iterable, Sequence

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from py_linq import Enumerable

from . import Normalization
from .core import image, pdf
from .core.geometry import Line, Point, Rectangle
from import get_url, retrieve_demo_file
from .core.profile import FWXMProfilePhysical, MultiProfile
from .core.utilities import ResultBase, ResultsDataMixin, convert_to_enum
from .log_analyzer import load_log
from .metrics.image import SizedDiskLocator


[docs] class Orientation(enum.Enum): """Possible orientations of the image""" UP_DOWN = "Up-Down" #: LEFT_RIGHT = "Left-Right" #:
[docs] class MLCArrangement: """Construct an MLC array""" def __init__(self, leaf_arrangement: list[tuple[int, float]], offset: float = 0): """ Parameters ---------- leaf_arrangement Description of the leaf arrangement. List of tuples containing the number of leaves and leaf width. E.g. (10, 5) is 10 leaves with 5mm widths. offset The offset in mm of the leaves. Used for asymmetric arrangements. E.g. -2.5mm will shift the arrangement 2.5mm to the left. """ self.centers = [] self.widths = [] rolling_edge = 0 for leaf_num, width in leaf_arrangement: self.centers += np.arange( start=rolling_edge + width / 2, stop=leaf_num * width + rolling_edge + width / 2, step=width, ).tolist() rolling_edge = self.centers[-1] + width / 2 self.widths += [width] * leaf_num self.centers = [c - np.mean(self.centers) + offset for c in self.centers] @property def leaves(self) -> list[int]: """The leaf numbers; index pairs with the centers. Assumes that the first leaf center is toward the target and the last leaf center is towards the gun. """ return np.arange(1, len(self.centers) + 1, dtype=int)[::-1].tolist()
[docs] class MLC(enum.Enum): """The pre-built MLC types""" MILLENNIUM = { "name": "Millennium", "arrangement": MLCArrangement([(10, 10), (40, 5), (10, 10)]), } #: HD_MILLENNIUM = { "name": "HD Millennium", "arrangement": MLCArrangement([(14, 5), (32, 2.5), (14, 5)]), } #: BMOD = { "name": "B Mod", "arrangement": MLCArrangement([(40, 4)]), } #: AGILITY = { "name": "Agility", "arrangement": MLCArrangement([(80, 5)]), } #: MLCI = { "name": "MLCi", "arrangement": MLCArrangement([(40, 10)]), } #: # Halcyon reference # HALCYON_DISTAL = { "name": "Halcyon distal", "arrangement": MLCArrangement([(28, 10)]), } #: HALCYON_PROXIMAL = { "name": "Halcyon proximal", "arrangement": MLCArrangement([(29, 10)]), } #:
[docs] class PFResult(ResultBase): """This class should not be called directly. It is returned by the ``results_data()`` method. It is a dataclass under the hood and thus comes with all the dunder magic. Use the following attributes as normal class attributes.""" tolerance_mm: float #: action_tolerance_mm: float | None #: percent_leaves_passing: float #: number_of_pickets: int #: absolute_median_error_mm: float #: max_error_mm: float #: max_error_picket: int #: max_error_leaf: str | int #: mean_picket_spacing_mm: float #: offsets_from_cax_mm: list[float] #: passed: bool #: failed_leaves: list[str] | list[int] #: mlc_skew: float #: picket_widths: dict[str, dict[str, float]] #:
[docs] class PFDicomImage(image.LinacDicomImage): """A subclass of a DICOM image that checks for noise and inversion when instantiated. Can also adjust for EPID sag.""" _central_axis: Point | None #: def __init__(self, path: str, **kwargs): crop_mm = kwargs.pop("crop_mm", 3) self._central_axis = kwargs.pop("central_axis", None) super().__init__(path, **kwargs) # crop the images so that Elekta images don't fail. See #168 crop_pixels = int(round(crop_mm * self.dpmm)) self.crop(pixels=crop_pixels) # self.invert() # EPID images are always inverted; rather than check inversion, just flip it. self._check_for_noise() # Possibly revert/change the below if inversion detection doesn't work so well self.check_inversion(box_size=10, position=(0.01, 0.01)) def _check_for_noise(self) -> None: """Check if the image has extreme noise (dead pixel, etc) by comparing min/max to 1/99 percentiles and smoothing if need be.""" safety_stop = 5 while self._has_noise() and safety_stop > 0: self.filter(size=3) safety_stop -= 1 def _has_noise(self) -> bool: """Helper method to determine if there is spurious signal in the image.""" min = self.array.min() max = self.array.max() near_min, near_max = np.percentile(self.array, [0.5, 99.5]) max_is_extreme = max > near_max * 1.25 min_is_extreme = (min < near_min * 0.75) and ( abs(min - near_min) > 0.1 * (near_max - near_min) ) return max_is_extreme or min_is_extreme
[docs] def adjust_for_sag(self, sag: int, orientation: str | Orientation) -> None: """Roll the image to adjust for EPID sag.""" orient = convert_to_enum(orientation, Orientation) direction = "y" if orient == Orientation.UP_DOWN else "x" self.roll(direction, sag)
@property def center(self) -> Point: """Override the central axis call in the event we passed it directly""" if self._central_axis is not None: # convert from physical to pixel cax_shift = Point( x=self._central_axis.x * self.dpmm, y=self._central_axis.y * self.dpmm ) # shift from center to BB position cax = super().center + cax_shift # invert the y-axis for plotting purposes/consistency cax.y = 2 * (self.shape[0] // 2) - cax.y return cax else: return super().center
[docs] class PicketFence(ResultsDataMixin[PFResult]): """A class used for analyzing EPID images where radiation strips have been formed by the MLCs. The strips are assumed to be parallel to one another and normal to the image edge; i.e. a "left-right" or "up-down" orientation is assumed. Further work could follow up by accounting for any angle. """ _from_bb_setup: bool = False _bb_image: image.LinacDicomImage | None = None leaf_analysis_width: float #: mlc_meas: list #: pickets: list #: tolerance: float #: action_tolerance: float #: image: PFDicomImage #: def __init__( self, filename: str | Path | BinaryIO, filter: int | None = None, log: str | None = None, use_filename: bool = False, mlc: MLC | MLCArrangement | str = MLC.MILLENNIUM, crop_mm: int = 3, image_kwargs: dict | None = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- filename Name of the file as a string or a file-like object. filter If None (default), no filtering will be done to the image. If an int, will perform median filtering over image of size ``filter``. log Path to a log file corresponding to the delivery. The expected fluence of the log file is used to construct the pickets. MLC peaks are then compared to an absolute reference instead of a fitted picket. use_filename If False (default), no action will be performed. If True, the filename will be searched for keywords that describe the gantry and/or collimator angle. For example, if set to True and the file name was "PF_gantry45.dcm" the gantry would be interpreted as being at 45 degrees. mlc The MLC model of the image. Must be an option from the enum :class:`~pylinac.picketfence.MLCs` or an :class:`~pylinac.picketfence.MLCArrangement`. crop_mm The number of mm to crop from all edges. Elekta is infamous for having columns of dead pixels on the side of their images. These need to be cleaned up first. For Varian images, this really shouldn't make a difference unless the pickets are very close to the edge. Generally speaking, they shouldn't be for the best accuracy. """ if filename is not None: img_kwargs = image_kwargs or {} self.image = PFDicomImage( filename, use_filenames=use_filename, crop_mm=crop_mm, **img_kwargs ) if isinstance(filter, int): self.image.filter(size=filter) self.image.ground() self.image.normalize() if log is not None: self._load_log(log) else: self._log_fits = None self._is_analyzed = False self.mlc = self._get_mlc_arrangement(mlc) @staticmethod def _get_mlc_arrangement(value: MLC | MLCArrangement | str) -> MLCArrangement: if isinstance(value, MLC): return value.value["arrangement"] if isinstance(value, MLCArrangement): return value if isinstance(value, str): return [ member.value["arrangement"] for name, member in MLC.__members__.items() if member.value["name"] == value ][0]
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str, filter: int = None, image_kwargs: dict | None = None): """Instantiate from a URL.""" filename = get_url(url, progress_bar=True) return cls(filename, filter=filter, image_kwargs=image_kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_demo_image(cls, filter: int = None): """Construct a PicketFence instance using the demo image.""" demo_file = retrieve_demo_file(name="AS1200.dcm") return cls(demo_file, filter=filter)
[docs] @classmethod def from_multiple_images( cls, path_list: Iterable[str | Path], stretch_each: bool = True, method: str = "mean", mlc: MLC | MLCArrangement | str = MLC.MILLENNIUM, **kwargs, ): """Load and superimpose multiple images and instantiate a PF object. Parameters ---------- path_list : iterable An iterable of path locations to the files to be loaded/combined. stretch_each : bool Whether to stretch each image individually before combining. See ``load_multiples``. method : {'sum', 'mean'} The method to combine the images. See ``load_multiples``. mlc : MLC, MLCArrangement, or str The MLC model of the image. Must be an option from the enum :class:`~pylinac.picketfence.MLCs` or an :class:`~pylinac.picketfence.MLCArrangement`. kwargs Passed to :func:`~pylinac.core.image.load_multiples` and to the PicketFence constructor. """ with io.BytesIO() as stream: img = image.load_multiples( path_list, stretch_each=stretch_each, method=method, loader=PFDicomImage, **kwargs, ) # there is a parameter name mismatch between the PFDicomImage and PicketFence constructors # Dicom uses "use_filenames" and PicketFence uses "use_filename" 😖 use_filename = kwargs.pop("use_filenames", False) return cls(stream, mlc=mlc, use_filename=use_filename, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_bb_setup( cls, *args, bb_image: str | Path | BinaryIO, bb_diameter: float, **kwargs ): """Construct a PicketFence instance using a BB setup image to find the CAX first. The CAX of the PF image is then overridden w/ the BB location from the first image. Thank the French for this.""" bb_image = image.load(bb_image) caxs = bb_image.compute( metrics=SizedDiskLocator.from_center_physical( expected_position_mm=(0, 0), search_window_mm=(30 + bb_diameter, 30 + bb_diameter), radius_mm=bb_diameter / 2, radius_tolerance_mm=bb_diameter * 0.1 + 1, ) ) cax_shift = caxs[0] - # we convert to physical because we may have images of different sizes/dpmms cax_physical_shift = Point( x=cax_shift.x / bb_image.dpmm, y=cax_shift.y / bb_image.dpmm ) instance = cls( *args, **kwargs, image_kwargs={"central_axis": cax_physical_shift} ) instance._from_bb_setup = True instance._bb_image = bb_image return instance
@property def passed(self) -> bool: """Boolean specifying if all MLC positions were within tolerance.""" # nested all because each measurement returns a list of booleans. So all the passes of each measurement must all pass. return all(all(m.passed) for m in self.mlc_meas) @property def percent_passing(self) -> float: """Return the percentage of MLC positions under tolerance.""" num_meas = Enumerable(self.mlc_meas).select_many(lambda m: m.passed).count() num_pass = ( Enumerable(self.mlc_meas) .select_many(lambda m: m.passed) .count(lambda p: bool(p) is True) ) return float(100 * num_pass / num_meas) @property def max_error(self) -> float: """Return the maximum error found.""" return float(np.max(np.abs(self._flattened_errors()))) @property def max_error_picket(self) -> int: """Return the picket number where the maximum error occurred.""" return ( Enumerable(self.mlc_meas) .order_by_descending(lambda m: np.max(np.abs(m.error))) .select(lambda m: m.picket_num) .first() )
[docs] def picket_width_stat(self, picket: int, metric: str = "max") -> float: """Get the statistic of the picket width for the given picket. Parameters ---------- picket The picket number to analyze. metric The metric to use. One of 'max', 'median', 'mean', 'min'. """ picket_widths = [ m.profile.field_width_mm for m in self.mlc_meas if m.picket_num == picket ] if metric == "max": return max(picket_widths) elif metric == "median": return statistics.median(picket_widths) elif metric == "mean": return statistics.mean(picket_widths) elif metric == "min": return min(picket_widths)
@property def max_error_leaf(self) -> int | str: """Return the leaf/leaf pair that had the maximum error. This will be a single int value (i.e. either/both A and B) for classic analysis or a fully-qualified name for separate analysis. E.g. A43 """ if not self.separate_leaves: return ( Enumerable(self.mlc_meas) .order_by_descending(lambda m: np.max(np.abs(m.error))) .select(lambda m: m.full_leaf_nums[0]) .first() ) else: max_meas = ( Enumerable(self.mlc_meas) .order_by_descending(lambda m: np.max(np.abs(m.error))) .first() ) if abs(max_meas.error[0]) > abs(max_meas.error[1]): return max_meas.full_leaf_nums[0] else: return max_meas.full_leaf_nums[1] def _flattened_errors(self) -> list[float]: return Enumerable(self.mlc_meas).select_many(lambda m: m.error).to_list()
[docs] def failed_leaves(self) -> list[int] | list[str]: """A list of the failed leaves. Either the leaf number or the bank+leaf number if using separate leaves.""" if not self._is_analyzed: raise ValueError( "It appears the PF image has not been analyzed yet. Use .analyze() first." ) failing_sets = Enumerable(self.mlc_meas).where(lambda m: not all(m.passed)) if not self.separate_leaves: return m: m.leaf_num).distinct().to_list() else: return ( failing_sets.select_many( lambda m: [ m.full_leaf_nums[idx] for idx, passed in enumerate(m.passed) if not passed ] ) .distinct() .to_list() )
@property def abs_median_error(self) -> float: """Return the median error found.""" return float(np.median(np.abs(self._flattened_errors()))) @property def num_pickets(self) -> int: """Return the number of pickets determined.""" return len(self.pickets) @property def mean_picket_spacing(self) -> float: """The average distance between pickets in mm.""" sorted_pickets = sorted(self.pickets, key=lambda x: x.dist2cax) return float( np.mean( [ abs(sorted_pickets[idx].dist2cax - sorted_pickets[idx + 1].dist2cax) for idx in range(len(sorted_pickets) - 1) ] ) )
[docs] def plot_leaf_profile(self, leaf: str | int, picket: int, show: bool = True): """Plot the leaf profile of a given leaf pair parallel to leaf motion. Parameters ---------- leaf The leaf to plot. If ``separate_leaves`` is True, this will be a string like "A15" or "B33". If ``separate_leaves`` is False, this must be an int, like ``15`` or ``33``. picket An int of the picket number. Pickets start from the 0-side of an image. E.g. for left-right PFs, this would start on the left; for up-down this would start at the bottom. """ mlc_meas = Enumerable(self.mlc_meas).single( lambda m: leaf in m.full_leaf_nums and m.picket_num == picket ) ax = mlc_meas.plot_detailed_profile() ax.set_title(f"MLC profile Leaf: {leaf}, Picket: {picket}") for lg, rg, m in zip( self.pickets[picket].left_guard_separated, self.pickets[picket].right_guard_separated, mlc_meas.marker_lines, ): g_val = lg(m.point1.y) rg_val = rg(m.point1.y) ax.axvline(g_val, color="green", label="Guard rail") ax.axvline(rg_val, color="green", label="Guard rail") ax.legend() if show:
[docs] def save_leaf_profile( self, filename: str | Path | BinaryIO, leaf: str | int, picket: int, **kwargs, ): """Save the leaf profile plot to disk or stream. See plot_leaf_profile for parameter hints. Kwargs are passed to matplotlib.savefig()""" self.plot_leaf_profile(leaf, picket, show=False) plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs) if not isinstance(filename, BytesIO): print(f"Picket fence leaf profile saved to: {osp.abspath(filename)}")
def _load_log(self, log: str) -> None: """Load a machine log that corresponds to the picket fence delivery. This log determines the location of the pickets. The MLC peaks are then compared to the expected log pickets, not a simple fit of the peaks.""" # load the log fluence image mlog = load_log(log) fl = mlog.fluence.expected.calc_map(equal_aspect=True) fli = image.load( fl, dpi=254 ) # 254 pix/in => 1 pix/0.1mm (default fluence calc) # equate them such that they're the same size & DPI fluence_img, img_array = image.equate_images(fli, self.image) self.image.array = img_array.array # get picket fits from the modified fluence image pf = PicketFence.from_demo_image() pf.image = fluence_img pf.analyze() self._log_fits = cycle([p.get_fit() for p in pf.pickets])
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo(tolerance: float = 0.5, action_tolerance: float = None) -> None: """Run the Picket Fence demo using the demo image. See analyze() for parameter info.""" pf = PicketFence.from_demo_image() pf.analyze(tolerance, action_tolerance=action_tolerance) print(pf.results()) pf.plot_analyzed_image(leaf_error_subplot=True)
[docs] def analyze( self, tolerance: float = 0.5, action_tolerance: float | None = None, num_pickets: int | None = None, sag_adjustment: float | int = 0, orientation: Orientation | str | None = None, invert: bool = False, leaf_analysis_width_ratio: float = 0.4, picket_spacing: float | None = None, height_threshold: float = 0.5, edge_threshold: float = 1.5, peak_sort: str = "peak_heights", required_prominence: float = 0.2, fwxm: int = 50, separate_leaves: bool = False, nominal_gap_mm: float = 3, central_axis: Point | None = None, ) -> None: """Analyze the picket fence image. Parameters ---------- tolerance The tolerance of difference in mm between an MLC pair position and the picket fit line. action_tolerance If None (default), no action tolerance is set or compared to. If an int or float, the MLC pair measurement is also compared to this tolerance. Must be lower than tolerance. This value is usually meant to indicate that a physicist should take an "action" to reduce the error, but should not stop treatment. num_pickets The number of pickets in the image. A helper parameter to limit the total number of pickets, only needed if analysis is catching more pickets than there really are. sag_adjustment The amount of shift in mm to apply to the image to correct for EPID sag. For Up-Down picket images, positive moves the image down, negative up. For Left-Right picket images, positive moves the image left, negative right. orientation If None (default), the orientation is automatically determined. If for some reason the determined orientation is not correct, you can pass it directly using this parameter. If passed a string with 'u' (e.g. 'up-down', 'u-d', 'up') it will set the orientation of the pickets as going up-down. If passed a string with 'l' (e.g. 'left-right', 'lr', 'left') it will set it as going left-right. invert If False (default), the inversion of the image is automatically detected and used. If True, the image inversion is reversed from the automatic detection. This is useful when runtime errors are encountered. leaf_analysis_width_ratio The ratio of the leaf width to use as part of the evaluation. E.g. if the ratio is 0.5, the center half of the leaf will be used. This helps avoid tongue and groove influence. picket_spacing If None (default), the spacing between pickets is determined automatically. If given, it should be an int or float specifying the number of **PIXELS** apart the pickets are. height_threshold The threshold that the MLC peak needs to be above to be considered a picket (vs background). Lower if not all leaves are being caught. Note that for FFF beams this would very likely need to be lowered. edge_threshold The threshold of pixel value standard deviation within the analysis window of the MLC leaf to be considered a full leaf. This is how pylinac removes MLCs that are eclipsed by the jaw. This also is how to omit or catch leaves at the edge of the field. Raise to catch more edge leaves. peak_sort Either 'peak_heights' or 'prominences'. This is the method for determining the peaks. Usually not needed unless the wrong number of pickets have been detected. See the scipy.signal.find_peaks function for more information. required_prominence The required height of the picket (not individual MLCs) to be considered a peak. Pylinac takes a mean of the image axis perpendicular to the leaf motion to get an initial guess of the peak locations and also to determine picket spacing. Changing this can be useful for wide-gap tests where the shape of the beam horns can form two or more local maximums in the picket area. Increase if for wide-gap images that are catching too many pickets. Consider lowering for FFF beams if there are analysis issues. .. warning:: We do not recommend performing FFF wide-gap PF tests. Make your FFF pickets narrow or measure with a flat beam instead. fwxm For each MLC kiss, the profile is a curve from low to high to low. The FWXM (0-100) is the height to use to measure to determine the center of the curve, which is the surrogate for MLC kiss position. I.e. for each MLC kiss, what height of the picket should you use to actually determine the center location? It is unusual to change this. If you have something in the way (we've seen crazy examples with a BB in the way) you may want to increase this. separate_leaves Whether to analyze leaves individually (each tip) or as a set (combined, center of the picket). False is the default for backwards compatibility. nominal_gap_mm The expected gap of the pickets in mm. Only used when separate leaves is True. Due to the DLG and EPID scattering, this value will have to be determined by you with a known good delivery. central_axis The central axis of the beam. If None (default), the CAX is automatically determined. This is used for French regulations where the CAX is set to the BB location from a separate image. """ if action_tolerance is not None and tolerance < action_tolerance: raise ValueError("Tolerance cannot be lower than the action tolerance") self.tolerance = tolerance self.action_tolerance = action_tolerance self.leaf_analysis_width = leaf_analysis_width_ratio self.separate_leaves = separate_leaves if central_axis: self.image._central_axis = central_axis if invert: self.image.invert() self._orientation = orientation # adjust for sag if sag_adjustment != 0: sag_pixels = int(round(sag_adjustment * self.image.dpmm)) self.image.adjust_for_sag(sag_pixels, self.orientation) if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: leaf_prof = np.mean(self.image, 0) else: leaf_prof = np.mean(self.image, 1) leaf_prof = MultiProfile(leaf_prof) leaf_prof.normalize() # normalize so required prominence is also normalized. peak_idxs, peak_vals = leaf_prof.find_fwxm_peaks( min_distance=0.02, threshold=height_threshold, max_number=num_pickets, peak_sort=peak_sort, required_prominence=required_prominence, ) if len(peak_idxs) == 0: raise ValueError( "No pickets were found. This can mean either an incorrect orientation or incorrect inversion. " "Try passing the correct orientation; if that fails, also set invert=True." ) # get picket spacing if not set by user if picket_spacing is None: picket_spacing = np.median(np.diff(np.sort(peak_idxs))) # loop through each leaf row and analyze each MLC kiss self.mlc_meas = [] for leaf_num, center, width in self._leaves_in_view(leaf_analysis_width_ratio): for picket_num, (picket_idx, picket_peak_val) in enumerate( zip(peak_idxs, peak_vals) ): window = self._get_mlc_window( leaf_center=center, leaf_width=width, approx_idx=picket_idx, spacing=picket_spacing, ) if self._is_mlc_peak_in_window( window, height_threshold, edge_threshold, picket_peak_val ): self.mlc_meas.append( MLCValue( picket_num=picket_num, approx_idx=picket_idx, leaf_width=width, leaf_center=center, picket_spacing=picket_spacing, orientation=self.orientation, leaf_analysis_width_ratio=leaf_analysis_width_ratio, tolerance=tolerance, action_tolerance=action_tolerance, leaf_num=leaf_num, approx_peak_val=picket_peak_val, image_window=window, image=self.image, fwxm=fwxm, separate_leaves=separate_leaves, nominal_gap_mm=nominal_gap_mm, ) ) if not self.mlc_meas: raise ValueError( "No MLC measurements were found. This may be due to an incorrect inversion. Try setting invert=True. Or, you may have passed an incorrect orientation." ) # drop any leaf rows that don't have the right amount of MLC kisses (i.e. near edge where one is dropped) median_num_leaves = ( Enumerable(self.mlc_meas) .group_by(key=lambda m: m.leaf_num) .median(lambda m: len(m)) ) full_leaves = ( Enumerable(self.mlc_meas) .group_by(key=lambda m: m.leaf_num) .where(lambda m: len(m) == median_num_leaves) .select_many(lambda m: m) .select(lambda m: m.leaf_num) .distinct() .to_list() ) self.mlc_meas = [m for m in self.mlc_meas if m.leaf_num in full_leaves] if any([True for m in self.mlc_meas if m.leaf_num not in full_leaves]): warnings.warn( "Some leaves were removed from analysis because they were not detected for all pickets. If some valid leaves are missing try adjusting height_threshold or edge_threshold" ) # retrospectively create the pickets and update the individual MLC measurements so error can be calculated self.pickets = [] for picket_num, _ in enumerate(peak_idxs): self.pickets.append( Picket( [m for m in self.mlc_meas if m.picket_num == picket_num], log_fits=self._log_fits, orientation=self.orientation, image=self.image, tolerance=tolerance, nominal_gap=nominal_gap_mm, separate_leaves=separate_leaves, ) ) self._is_analyzed = True
def _is_mlc_peak_in_window( self, window, height_threshold, edge_threshold, picket_peak_val ) -> bool: """Whether the MLC peak is inside the given window. E.g. the jaw could be closed or at an edge.""" if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: std = np.std(window, axis=1) else: std = np.std(window, axis=0) is_above_height_threshold = np.max(window) > height_threshold * picket_peak_val is_not_at_edge = max(std) < edge_threshold * np.median(std) return is_above_height_threshold and is_not_at_edge def _get_mlc_window( self, leaf_center, leaf_width, approx_idx, spacing ) -> np.ndarray: """A small 2D window of the image that contains the area around the picket.""" leaf_width_px = leaf_width * self.image.dpmm leaf_center_px = leaf_center * self.image.dpmm + ( self.image.shape[0] / 2 if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN else self.image.shape[1] / 2 ) if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: # crop edges to image boundary if need be; if the pickets are too close to edge we could spill outside left_edge = max(int(approx_idx - spacing / 2), 0) right_edge = min(int(approx_idx + spacing / 2), self.image.shape[1]) top_edge = max(int(leaf_center_px - leaf_width_px / 2), 0) bottom_edge = min( int(leaf_center_px + leaf_width_px / 2), self.image.shape[0] ) array = self.image[top_edge:bottom_edge, left_edge:right_edge] else: top_edge = max(int(approx_idx - spacing / 2), 0) bottom_edge = min(int(approx_idx + spacing / 2), self.image.shape[0]) left_edge = max(int(leaf_center_px - leaf_width_px / 2), 0) right_edge = min( int(leaf_center_px + leaf_width_px / 2), self.image.shape[1] ) array = self.image[top_edge:bottom_edge, left_edge:right_edge] return array def _leaves_in_view(self, analysis_width) -> list[tuple[int, int, int]]: """Crop the leaves if not all leaves are in view.""" pixel_range = ( self.image.shape[0] / 2 if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN else self.image.shape[1] / 2 ) # cut off the edge so that we're not halfway through a leaf. pixel_range -= ( max( self.mlc.widths[0] * analysis_width, self.mlc.widths[-1] * analysis_width, ) * self.image.dpmm ) # include the leaf if the center is within the pixel range return [ (leaf_num, center, width) for leaf_num, center, width in zip( self.mlc.leaves, self.mlc.centers, self.mlc.widths, ) if abs(center) < pixel_range / self.image.dpmm ]
[docs] def plot_analyzed_image( self, guard_rails: bool = True, mlc_peaks: bool = True, overlay: bool = True, leaf_error_subplot: bool = True, show: bool = True, figure_size: str | tuple = "auto", barplot_kwargs: dict | None = None, ) -> None: """Plot the analyzed image. Parameters ---------- guard_rails Do/don't plot the picket "guard rails" around the ideal picket mlc_peaks Do/don't plot the detected MLC peak positions. overlay Do/don't plot the alpha overlay of the leaf status. leaf_error_subplot If True, plots a linked leaf error subplot adjacent to the PF image plotting the average and standard deviation of leaf error. show Whether to display the plot. Set to false for saving to a figure, etc. figure_size Either 'auto' or a tuple. If auto, the figure size is set depending on the orientation. If a tuple, this is the figure size to use. """ if not self._is_analyzed: raise RuntimeError("The image must be analyzed first. Use .analyze().") # plot the image if figure_size == "auto": if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: figure_size = (12, 8) else: figure_size = (9, 9) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figure_size) self.image.plot(ax=ax, show=False) if leaf_error_subplot: if barplot_kwargs is None: barplot_kwargs = {"widths": 10} # make the new axis divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: axtop = divider.append_axes("right", 2, pad=1, sharey=ax) else: axtop = divider.append_axes("bottom", 2, pad=1, sharex=ax) self._add_leaf_error_subplot(axtop, barplot_kwargs) if guard_rails: for picket in self.pickets: picket.add_guards_to_axes(ax.axes) if mlc_peaks: for mlc_meas in self.mlc_meas: mlc_meas.plot2axes(ax.axes, width=1.5) if overlay: for mlc_meas in self.mlc_meas: mlc_meas.plot_overlay2axes(ax.axes) # plot CAX ax.plot(,, "r+", ms=12, markeredgewidth=3 ) ax.axis("off") if show:
def _add_leaf_error_subplot(self, ax: plt.Axes, barplot_kwargs: dict) -> None: """Add a bar subplot showing the leaf error.""" # get leaf positions, errors, standard deviation, and leaf numbers if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: pos = [ position.marker_lines[0].center.y for position in self.pickets[0].mlc_meas ][::-1] else: pos = [ position.marker_lines[0].center.x for position in self.pickets[0].mlc_meas ][::-1] # get leaf pair names labels = sorted(list({m.leaf_num for m in self.mlc_meas})) # generate the error distributions per MLC pair error_clusters = [] for leaf_num in {m.leaf_num for m in self.mlc_meas}: if self.separate_leaves: # flatten the error list and take the absolute value error_clusters.append( np.abs( [ e for m in self.mlc_meas if m.leaf_num == leaf_num for e in m.error ] ) ) else: error_clusters.append( np.abs([m.error for m in self.mlc_meas if m.leaf_num == leaf_num]) ) error_dists = np.stack(error_clusters).squeeze().transpose() # plot the leaf errors as a bar plot if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: ax.boxplot( x=error_dists, positions=np.array(pos), vert=False, manage_ticks=False, **barplot_kwargs, ) # show every other leaf number on the ticks ax.set_yticks(pos[::2]) ax.set_yticklabels(labels[::2]) # plot the tolerance line(s) ax.axvline(self.tolerance, color="r", linewidth=3) if self.action_tolerance is not None: ax.axvline(self.action_tolerance, color="m", linewidth=3) # reset xlims to comfortably include the max error or tolerance value ax.set_xlim([0, max([error_dists.max(), self.tolerance]) + 0.1]) else: ax.boxplot( x=error_dists, positions=np.array(pos), vert=True, manage_ticks=False, **barplot_kwargs, ) # show every other leaf number on the ticks # we also adjust the y position of the ticks to avoid overlap # the leaf numbers are tighter for left/right orientations by default ax.set_xticks(pos[::2]) ax.set_xticklabels(labels[::2], rotation=90) ticklabels = ax.get_xticklabels() # Loop over the tick labels and adjust the position of every other one for i, ticklabel in enumerate(ticklabels): if i % 2 == 0: ticklabel.set_y(-0.06) # Adjust the y-position downwards else: ticklabel.set_y(0.03) # Adjust the y-position upwards # plot the tolerance line(s) ax.axhline(self.tolerance, color="r", linewidth=3) if self.action_tolerance is not None: ax.axhline(self.action_tolerance, color="m", linewidth=3) ax.set_ylim([0, max([error_dists.max(), self.tolerance]) + 0.1]) ax.grid(True) ax.set_title("Average Error (mm)")
[docs] def save_analyzed_image( self, filename: str | io.BytesIO, guard_rails: bool = True, mlc_peaks: bool = True, overlay: bool = True, leaf_error_subplot: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Save the analyzed figure to a file. See :meth:`~pylinac.picketfence.PicketFence.plot_analyzed_image()` for further parameter info. """ self.plot_analyzed_image( guard_rails, mlc_peaks, overlay, leaf_error_subplot=leaf_error_subplot, show=False, ) plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs) if isinstance(filename, str): print(f"Picket fence image saved to: {osp.abspath(filename)}")
[docs] def plot_leaf_error( self, ax: plt.Axes | None = None, show: bool = True, fig_kwargs: dict | None = None, barplot_kwargs: dict | None = None, ) -> plt.Figure: """Plot the leaf error as a bar plot. Parameters ---------- ax The axis to plot on. If None (default), a new figure is created. show Whether to display the plot. Set to false for saving to a figure, etc. fig_kwargs If ax is None, these kwargs are passed to plt.subplots() to create the figure. barplot_kwargs These kwargs are passed to the barplot function. If None, defaults are used. """ if not ax: if not fig_kwargs: fig_kwargs = {} fig, ax = plt.subplots(**fig_kwargs) else: fig = plt.gcf() if not barplot_kwargs: barplot_kwargs = {"widths": 10} self._add_leaf_error_subplot(ax=ax, barplot_kwargs=barplot_kwargs) if show: return fig
[docs] def results(self, as_list: bool = False) -> str: """Return results of analysis. Use with print().""" offsets = " ".join(f"{pk.dist2cax:.1f}" for pk in self.pickets) results = [ "Picket Fence Results:", f"Gantry Angle (\N{DEGREE SIGN}): {self.image.gantry_angle:2.1f}", f"Collimator Angle (\N{DEGREE SIGN}): {self.image.collimator_angle:2.1f}", f"Tolerance (mm): {self.tolerance}", f"Leaves passing (%): {self.percent_passing:2.1f}", f"Absolute median error (mm): {self.abs_median_error:2.3f}mm", f"Mean picket spacing (mm): {self.mean_picket_spacing:2.1f}mmn", f"Picket offsets from CAX (mm): {offsets}", f"Max Error: {self.max_error:2.3f}mm on Picket: {self.max_error_picket}, Leaf: {self.max_error_leaf}", f"MLC Skew: {self.mlc_skew():2.3f} degrees", ] if self.failed_leaves(): results.append(f"Failing leaves: {self.failed_leaves()}") if not as_list: results = "\n".join(results) return results
def _generate_results_data(self) -> PFResult: picket_widths = { f"picket_{pk}": { key: self.picket_width_stat(pk, key) for key in ("max", "mean", "median", "min") } for pk in range(len(self.pickets)) } return PFResult( tolerance_mm=self.tolerance, action_tolerance_mm=self.action_tolerance, percent_leaves_passing=self.percent_passing, number_of_pickets=self.num_pickets, absolute_median_error_mm=self.abs_median_error, max_error_mm=self.max_error, max_error_picket=self.max_error_picket, max_error_leaf=self.max_error_leaf, mean_picket_spacing_mm=self.mean_picket_spacing, offsets_from_cax_mm=[pk.dist2cax for pk in self.pickets], passed=self.passed, failed_leaves=self.failed_leaves(), mlc_skew=self.mlc_skew(), picket_widths=picket_widths, )
[docs] def publish_pdf( self, filename: str | io.BytesIO, notes: str = None, open_file: bool = False, metadata: dict = None, bins: int = 10, logo: Path | str | None = None, ) -> None: """Publish (print) a PDF containing the analysis, images, and quantitative results. Parameters ---------- filename : (str, file-like object} The file to write the results to. notes : str, list of strings Text; if str, prints single line. If list of strings, each list item is printed on its own line. open_file : bool Whether to open the file using the default program after creation. metadata : dict Extra data to be passed and shown in the PDF. The key and value will be shown with a colon. E.g. passing {'Author': 'James', 'Unit': 'TrueBeam'} would result in text in the PDF like: -------------- Author: James Unit: TrueBeam -------------- bins: int Number of bins to show for the histogram logo: Path, str A custom logo to use in the PDF report. If nothing is passed, the default pylinac logo is used. """ plt.ioff() canvas = pdf.PylinacCanvas( filename, page_title="Picket Fence Analysis", metadata=metadata, logo=logo ) data = io.BytesIO() self.save_analyzed_image(data, leaf_error_subplot=True) canvas.add_image(data, location=(3, 5), dimensions=(15, 15)) canvas.add_text( text=self.results(as_list=True), location=(1.5, 22), font_size=14 ) if notes is not None: canvas.add_text(text="Notes:", location=(1, 5.5), font_size=14) canvas.add_text(text=notes, location=(1, 5)) canvas.add_new_page() hist = io.BytesIO() self.save_histogram(hist, bins) canvas.add_image(hist, location=(3, 8), dimensions=(15, 15)) canvas.finish() if open_file:
[docs] def mlc_skew(self) -> float: """Apparent rotation in degrees of the MLC. This could be conflated with the EPID skew, so be careful when interpreting this value.""" return float(np.mean([p.skew() for p in self.pickets]))
[docs] def plot_histogram(self, bins: int = 10, show: bool = True) -> None: """Plot a histogram of the leaf errors""" if not self._is_analyzed: raise ValueError( "It appears the PF image has not been analyzed yet. Use .analyze() first." ) errors = Enumerable(self.mlc_meas).select_many(lambda m: m.error).to_list() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.axvline(self.tolerance, color="r", linewidth=3) ax.axvline(-self.tolerance, color="r", linewidth=3) ax.grid(True) if self.action_tolerance is not None: ax.axvline(self.action_tolerance, color="m", linewidth=3) ax.axvline(-self.action_tolerance, color="m", linewidth=3) ax.set_title("Leaf error histogram") ax.set_ylabel("Counts") ax.set_xlabel("Error (mm)") ax.hist(errors, bins=bins) if show:
[docs] def save_histogram( self, filename: [str, Path, BinaryIO], bins: int = 10, **kwargs ) -> None: """Save a histogram of the leaf errors""" self.plot_histogram(bins, show=False) plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs) if not isinstance(filename, BytesIO): print(f"Picket fence histogram saved to: {osp.abspath(filename)}")
@cached_property def orientation(self) -> Orientation: """The orientation of the image, either Up-Down or Left-Right.""" # if orientation was passed in, use it if self._orientation is not None: return convert_to_enum(self._orientation, Orientation) # replace any dead pixels with median value temp_image = self.image.array.copy() temp_image[temp_image < np.median(temp_image)] = np.median(temp_image) # find "range" of 80 to 90th percentiles row_sum = np.sum(temp_image, 0) col_sum = np.sum(temp_image, 1) row80, row90 = np.percentile(row_sum, [85, 99]) col80, col90 = np.percentile(col_sum, [85, 99]) row_range = row90 - row80 col_range = col90 - col80 # The true picket side will have a greater difference in # percentiles than will the non-picket size. if row_range < col_range: orientation = Orientation.LEFT_RIGHT else: orientation = Orientation.UP_DOWN return orientation
[docs] class MLCValue: def __init__( self, picket_num: int, approx_idx: int, leaf_width: float, leaf_center: float, picket_spacing: float, orientation: Orientation, leaf_analysis_width_ratio: float, tolerance: float, action_tolerance: float | None, leaf_num: int, approx_peak_val: float, image_window: np.ndarray, image: PFDicomImage, fwxm: int, separate_leaves: bool, nominal_gap_mm: float, ): """Representation of an MLC kiss or of each MLC about a kiss.""" self._approximate_idx = approx_idx self.picket_num = picket_num self._approximate_peak_vale = approx_peak_val self.leaf_width_px = leaf_width * image.dpmm self._leaf_center = leaf_center self.leaf_center_px = leaf_center * image.dpmm + ( image.shape[0] / 2 if orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN else image.shape[1] / 2 ) self.leaf_num = leaf_num self._image_window = image_window self._image = image self._fwxm = fwxm self._analysis_ratio: float = leaf_analysis_width_ratio self._spacing: float = picket_spacing self._orientation = orientation self._tolerance: float = tolerance self._action_tolerance: float = action_tolerance self._separate_leaves = separate_leaves self._nominal_gap_mm = nominal_gap_mm self.profile: FWXMProfilePhysical self.position = self.get_peak_positions() self._fit = None def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Leaf: {self.leaf_num}, Picket: {self.picket_num}" @property def full_leaf_nums(self) -> Sequence[str | int]: """The fully-qualified leaf names. This will be the simple leaf number for traditional analysis or the bank+leaf num for separate leaves.""" if not self._separate_leaves: return [ self.leaf_num, ] else: return [ f"{LEFT_MLC_PREFIX}{self.leaf_num}", f"{RIGHT_MLC_PREFIX}{self.leaf_num}", ]
[docs] def plot2axes(self, axes: plt.Axes, width: float | int = 1) -> None: """Plot the measurement to the axes.""" for idx, line in enumerate(self.marker_lines): line.plot2axes(axes, width, color=self.bg_color[idx])
def get_peak_positions(self) -> Sequence[float]: if self._orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: pix_vals = np.median(self._image_window, axis=0) else: pix_vals = np.median(self._image_window, axis=1) prof = FWXMProfilePhysical( values=pix_vals, ground=True, normalization=Normalization.MAX, dpmm=self._image.dpmm, ) self.profile = prof if self._separate_leaves: left = prof.field_edge_idx(side="left") + max( self._approximate_idx - self._spacing / 2, 0 ) right = prof.field_edge_idx(side="right") + max( self._approximate_idx - self._spacing / 2, 0 ) return left, right else: return ( prof.center_idx + max(self._approximate_idx - self._spacing / 2, 0), ) # crop to left edge if need be @property def passed(self) -> Sequence[bool]: """Whether the MLC kiss or leaf was within tolerance.""" return [abs(error) < self._tolerance for error in self.error] @property def passed_action(self) -> Sequence[bool] | None: """Whether the MLC kiss or leaf was within the action tolerance.""" return ( [abs(error) < self._action_tolerance for error in self.error] if self._action_tolerance is not None else [True, True] ) @property def bg_color(self) -> Sequence[str]: """The color of the measurement when the PF image is plotted, based on pass/fail status.""" colors = [] for idx, passed in enumerate(self.passed): if not passed: colors.append("r") elif self._action_tolerance is not None: colors.append("b" if self.passed_action[idx] else "m") else: colors.append("b") return colors @property def picket_positions(self) -> Sequence[float]: """The position(s) of the pickets in mm""" picket_pos = [] for line, sign in zip(self.marker_lines, (-1, 1)): if self._orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: picket = self._fit( else: picket = self._fit( if ( self._separate_leaves ): # offset the picket position by the DLG and nominal gap mag_factor = self._image.sid / 1000 picket += ( sign * self._nominal_gap_mm * mag_factor / 2 * self._image.dpmm ) picket_pos.append(picket / self._image.dpmm) return picket_pos def plot_detailed_profile(self) -> plt.Axes: if self._orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: pix_vals = np.median(self._image_window, axis=0) else: pix_vals = np.median(self._image_window, axis=1) offset_pixels = max(self._approximate_idx - self._spacing / 2, 0) x_values = np.array(range(len(pix_vals))) + offset_pixels fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x_values, pix_vals) for picket_pos in self.picket_positions: ax.axvline( x=picket_pos * self._image.dpmm, label="Fitted picket location", color="black", ) for pos, bg_color in zip(self.get_peak_positions(), self.bg_color): ax.axvline(pos, color=bg_color, label="Measured MLC position") return ax @property def error(self) -> Sequence[float]: """The error (difference) of the MLC measurement and the picket fit. If using individual leaf analysis, returns both errors otherwise return one.""" errors = [] for line, sign in zip(self.marker_lines, (-1, 1)): if self._orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: picket_pos = self._fit( mlc_pos = else: picket_pos = self._fit( mlc_pos = if ( self._separate_leaves ): # offset the picket position by the DLG and nominal gap mag_factor = self._image.sid / 1000 picket_pos += ( sign * self._nominal_gap_mm * mag_factor / 2 * self._image.dpmm ) errors.append((mlc_pos - picket_pos) / self._image.dpmm) return errors @property def max_abs_error(self) -> float: """The maximum absolute error""" return np.max(np.abs([self.error])) @property def marker_lines(self) -> list[Line]: """The line(s) representing the MLC measurement position. When using separated leaves there are two lines. Traditional analysis returns one.""" upper_point = ( self.leaf_center_px - self.leaf_width_px / 2 * self._analysis_ratio ) lower_point = ( self.leaf_center_px + self.leaf_width_px / 2 * self._analysis_ratio ) lines = [] for mlc_position in self.position: if self._orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: line = Line((mlc_position, upper_point), (mlc_position, lower_point)) else: line = Line((upper_point, mlc_position), (lower_point, mlc_position)) lines.append(line) return lines
[docs] def plot_overlay2axes(self, axes) -> None: """Create a rectangle overlay with the width of the error. I.e. it stretches from the picket fit to the MLC position. Gives more visual size to the""" # calculate height (based on leaf analysis ratio) upper_point = ( self.leaf_center_px - self.leaf_width_px / 2 * self._analysis_ratio ) lower_point = ( self.leaf_center_px + self.leaf_width_px / 2 * self._analysis_ratio ) height = abs(upper_point - lower_point) * 0.8 for idx, line in enumerate(self.marker_lines): width = abs(self.error[idx]) * self._image.dpmm y = x = self.position[idx] - (self.error[idx] * self._image.dpmm) / 2 if self._orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: r = Rectangle(width, height, center=(x, y)) # if any of the values are over tolerance, show another larger rectangle to draw the eye if not self.passed[idx] or not self.passed_action[idx]: re = Rectangle( self._image_window.shape[1] * 0.2, height * 1.2, center=(x, y) ) re.plot2axes( axes, edgecolor="none", fill=True, alpha=0.5, facecolor=self.bg_color[idx], ) else: r = Rectangle(height, width, center=(x, y)) if not self.passed[idx] or not self.passed_action[idx]: re = Rectangle( self._image_window.shape[1] * 0.2, height * 1.2, center=(x, y) ) re.plot2axes( axes, edgecolor="none", fill=True, alpha=0.5, facecolor=self.bg_color[idx], ) r.plot2axes( axes, edgecolor="none", fill=True, alpha=1, facecolor=self.bg_color[idx] )
[docs] class Picket: """Holds picket information in a Picket Fence test.""" def __init__( self, mlc_measurements: list[MLCValue], log_fits, orientation: Orientation, image: PFDicomImage, tolerance: float, separate_leaves: bool, nominal_gap: float, ): self.mlc_meas: list[MLCValue] = mlc_measurements self.log_fits = log_fits self.tolerance = tolerance self.orientation = orientation self.image = image self._separate_leaves = separate_leaves self._nominal_gap = nominal_gap = self.get_fit() for m in self.mlc_meas: m._fit =
[docs] def get_fit(self) -> np.poly1d: """The fit of a polynomial to the MLC measurements.""" if self.log_fits is not None: return next(self.log_fits) x = ( Enumerable(self.mlc_meas) .select_many(lambda m: [line.point1.y for line in m.marker_lines]) .to_list() ) y = ( Enumerable(self.mlc_meas) .select_many(lambda m: [line.point1.x for line in m.marker_lines]) .to_list() ) if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: fit = np.polyfit(x, y, 1) else: fit = np.polyfit(y, x, 1) return np.poly1d(fit)
[docs] def skew(self) -> float: """The slope/skew of the picket""" return float(np.rad2deg([0]))
@property def dist2cax(self) -> float: """The distance from the CAX to the picket, in mm.""" # TODO: see about using line and built-in dist to point. center_fit = np.poly1d( if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: length = self.image.shape[0] else: length = self.image.shape[1] x_data = np.arange(length) y_data = center_fit(x_data) idx = int(round(len(x_data) / 2)) if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: axis = "x" p1 = Point(y_data[idx], x_data[idx]) else: axis = "y" p1 = Point(x_data[idx], y_data[idx]) return (getattr(, axis) - getattr(p1, axis)) / self.image.dpmm @property def left_guard_separated(self) -> Sequence[np.poly1d]: """The line representing the left-sided guard rails. When not doing separate analysis, the left and right rails will overlap.""" l_fit = np.copy( l_fit[-1] += self.tolerance * self.image.dpmm if not self._separate_leaves: return [ np.poly1d(l_fit), ] else: other_fit = copy.copy(l_fit) mag_factor = self.image.sid / 1000 l_fit[-1] += self._nominal_gap * mag_factor / 2 * self.image.dpmm other_fit[-1] -= self._nominal_gap * mag_factor / 2 * self.image.dpmm return [np.poly1d(l_fit), np.poly1d(other_fit)] @property def right_guard_separated(self): """The line representing the right-sided guard rails.""" r_fit = np.copy( r_fit[-1] -= self.tolerance * self.image.dpmm if not self._separate_leaves: return [ np.poly1d(r_fit), ] else: other_fit = copy.copy(r_fit) mag_factor = self.image.sid / 1000 r_fit[-1] -= self._nominal_gap * mag_factor / 2 * self.image.dpmm other_fit[-1] += self._nominal_gap * mag_factor / 2 * self.image.dpmm return [np.poly1d(r_fit), np.poly1d(other_fit)]
[docs] def add_guards_to_axes(self, axis: plt.Axes, color: str = "g") -> None: """Plot guard rails to the axis.""" if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: length = self.image.shape[0] else: length = self.image.shape[1] x_data = np.arange(length) left_y_data = self.left_guard_separated right_y_data = self.right_guard_separated for left, right in zip(left_y_data, right_y_data): if self.orientation == Orientation.UP_DOWN: axis.plot(left(x_data), x_data, color=color) axis.plot(right(x_data), x_data, color=color) else: axis.plot(x_data, left(x_data), color=color) axis.plot(x_data, right(x_data), color=color)